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Comin Profumo Doccia Shampoo maschile, 400 Ml
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Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana have dedicated their classic, Dolce & Gabbana Pour Homme fragrance, in the elegance and style of the Italian man. A combination of olfactory notes that portrays the Mediterranean Latin Lover, Universal Icon of sex appeal and tenderness irresistible. The bold energy signature, embodied by the head notes of neroli aromatic, it combines the hints of mandarin and bergamot. The heart of the fragrance, the lavender, is pure freshness, Mediterranean breeze that brings with nods of sage and pepper spicy flavour, an impressive recollection of perfumes of traditional laundry of mother and of essences of the Father. The intense dry base notes of tobacco is the basis of the last note of cedar wood, punteggiate da Sweet hints of Cumaru seeds. Top notes: neroli, mandarin and bergamot Heart notes: lavender, sage and pepper base notes: cedar wood and seeds of Cumaru bottle 400 ml possibility of and match with perfume D & M

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